3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Social Media Manager

social media strategy Aug 26, 2024

It’s no secret that hiring a social media manager (SMM) can be a game changer for your business. In fact, according to one marketer, “investing in a Social Media Manager is an investment in your business's growth and success, as they'll take the weight of social media management off your shoulders, allowing you to concentrate on running your business.”

But before jumping in and hiring the first person you talk to, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your needs and goals. Here are 3 questions you should ask yourself before hiring a social media manager to make sure you get the best results, from a person that aligns with your business marketing goals.

1. Who is my target audience and where can I find them online?

The first question to ask yourself is: Who are you trying to reach? Knowing your target audience and understanding their online behaviors is important because this information will shape your social media strategy. Your SMM will need to know where to focus their efforts to reach the right people in the right places.

If the social media manager knows what they are doing, this will be one of the questions they will ask you during your discovery call.

To answer the question thoroughly, consider factors such as:

  • Demographics: location, age, gender, etc.
  • Interests: shopping habits, hobbies, passions, etc.
  • Problems that your customers experience & the solutions your products/services provide.

Once you know this, your social media manager will be better equipped to find your customers on the platforms they frequent. 

2. What are my business's monetary goals? What am I trying to sell?

Social media marketing isn’t just about gaining followers or likes - it’s about driving business outcomes. Before hiring an SMM, clarify what your business’s monetary goals are.

Are you looking to increase sales? Generate leads? Boost your brand’s visibility?

Whether you're selling a product, offering a service, or are promoting a membership, having these goals clear will help your SMM create content and campaigns that directly align with these objectives. For instance, if you’re focused on launching a new product, your SMM can create posts that include calls to action (or CTAs), product demonstrations, and links to drive traffic to your website.

3.  What is the follow-up process for interested customers and clients?

Finally, consider what happens after someone expresses interest in your business. Social media marketing might get people to notice you, but it’s the follow-up that seals the deal 💰

What’s your process for turning social media interest into actual sales?

Your SMM should be aware of your current processes so they can integrate lead generation strategies that will turn browsers into customers.

The above questions are key topics that I discuss in discovery calls with my clients, as they guide the strategies implemented in your marketing plan. The answers to them become the roadmap for all decisions that follow, making sure your social media strategy is laser-focused on delivering real results.

Once you’ve asked yourself the above questions, get in touch! I’d love to chat more about how we can collaborate to elevate your social media presence. 

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