4 Proven Ways to Increase your Instagram Followers

engagement lead generation Sep 16, 2024

Although I always tell my clients not to focus soooo much on how many followers they have, you and me both know that the hit of dopamine you feel when you get that "new follower" notification can do wonders to your self-esteem. So, in this blog post, we'll be sharing three ways to build those counts.

Here are 4 proven ways to help boost your follower count and engage with your audience meaningfully– without spending endless time on your social media accounts– from a social media manager and mentor herself. 💅

1. Engage with Your Own Content 🗨️

The tried-and-true way to improve your online visibility and maintain strong relationships with your audience is to follow up on your Instagram posts. Not only does this keep you in the algorithm’s favor, but it also fosters a sense of community– and can be fun, as well! 

This way, it gives you space to show off your personality and show your followers that you are invested in them too and aren't just using them to get some free publicity. Responding to comments, engaging with direct messages (DMs), and incorporating questions or calls-to-action in your posts will encourage conversation and interaction… because the more you connect with your audience, the more likely they are to stick around and share your content with others.

2. Interact with Other Accounts 🤝

Social media isn’t just about broadcasting your own message— it’s also about being social!

Engaging with other accounts helps deepen relationships, expands your reach, and increases your brand's visibility among potential followers who align with your target audience. We recommend taking just 15 minutes a day to spread some gratitude by liking, commenting, and supporting others in your niche. This small amount of time can have a big impact, as it builds rapport and trust with both your current and future followers.

Want to learn our secret formula for building relationships online in just 15 minutes per day? Check out this free lesson.

If you’re having trouble remembering to interact with your community in this way, it can be helpful to block off time in your calendar to hold yourself accountable. 

3. Host Collaborative Giveaways 🎁

Giveaways are an excellent way to engage your audience and attract new followers. 

When you collaborate with larger accounts or influencers, you’re both amplifying your reach and fostering a sense of community. To make sure your giveaways encourage genuine engagement, ask participants to tag friends, follow both accounts and share the giveaway on their stories for maximum visibility.

4. Use Trending Audios 🎶

One of the most effective ways to gain visibility on social platforms like Instagram and TikTok is by using trending audios in your short-form video content. These popular sounds help boost your post’s chances of being featured on the explore page or recommended to new users. Take note of the audios that are gaining traction and see how you can creatively incorporate them into your posts. 

In facttttt..... The Winfield Creative sends you the week's hottest Instagram trending audios every Monday morning 🔥 But you have to subscribe to get them ⬇️


🎶 Gain new followers EVERY Week 🎶


Imagine waking up on Monday morning and having a week's worth for trending audio for your reels already in your inbox. Guaranteed to gain you new folllowers. Subscribe to our weekly Viral Vibes blast and we'll make that happen for you 👇

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