3 Ways to Spend Less Time on Social Media

content creation goal setting Jul 29, 2024

Social media can be addicting. That's no surprise to anyone these days. In fact, studies show that the average user is spending a whopping 2 hours and 7 minutes scrolling per day.

Because of this, many folks think that using social media as a marketing tool for their small business will lead to endless scroll time that will take away from their productivity at work. But I want to show you that it can be used as an effective tool for generating leads and brand awareness. 

Believe it or not, when used correctly, you can use social media as a tool while also reducing your screen time.

Here are three ways to spend LESS time on social media:

1. Block Out Time Each Week for Content Planning and Batching

I’ve found that the most efficient way to manage your social media presence is by setting aside a dedicated hour each week to plan and batch your content. By doing this, you’ll not only save time, but create a consistent and intentional approach to your marketing efforts – something your audience will notice!

Rather than reinventing the wheel (or reel, haha) each day, planning ahead allows you to focus on crafting quality content across all of your marketing channels that align with your brand's message, making sure that what you’re posting is always relevant and engaging. 

This strategy doesn’t mean that if the perfect opportunity to create a timely video comes up, you shouldn’t take it! It just means that dedicating a chunk of time each week to planning your content reduces the amount of time spent scrolling through your feed for inspiration each day. 


Tips for Effective Content Batching:

  • Choose a specific day and time each week for content planning.
  • Use tools like content calendars to organize your posts.
  • Repurpose content on multiple channels, making sure to alter them slightly to meet the needs of each audience. 
  • Create a mix of content types (e.g., photos, videos, articles) to keep your audience engaged.


2. Prioritize Engagement Over Daily Posting

If creating daily content feels overwhelming or time-consuming, it's okay to step back from the pressure of posting every single day. Instead, shift your focus towards creating high quality content that really engages your audience, as building strong online relationships can be more valuable than frequent posting. 

Reallocate the time you spend on social media to respond to comments, interact with followers, and participate in conversations, an approach that will create a loyal and engaged community around your brand.


Ways to Enhance Engagement:

  • Reply to comments and DMs within a reasonable time frame.
  • Join relevant groups or discussions in your niche.
  • Show appreciation for your followers by liking and sharing their content.


3. Set Screen Time Reminders

In the age of the smartphone, sometimes, we forget that our devices are, well, smart. By this, I mean that they have features, such as “screen time” and “focus” on the iPhone, that allow us to hack our not-so-great impulses– including our scrolling habits. 

I recommend setting a screen time reminder on your phone for apps you find particularly tempting, like Instagram and TikTok. When you do this, a notification pops up when you’ve hit your limit, prompting you to close the app for the day. 

The focus feature, on the other hand, allows you to customize how certain apps behave during certain times of the day or while you’re doing certain activities, such as during your morning power session, when your bedtime hits, or even while you’re driving. 


How to Set Up Screen Time Reminders:

  • For Screen Time (iPhone): Navigate to settings → Screen Time → App Limits to add a new limit. 
  • For Focus (iPhone): Navigate to settings → Focus and click the “plus” symbol in the upper right corner. Or, take a look at the examples that the app already provides for you, including Morning, Sleep, Personal, and Work. 


Now that you know that it’s possible to hit your marketing goals while actually reducing your screen time, it’s time to put the above strategies into action. 

Interested in the benefits of social media marketing for your business, but want to put your time elsewhere? Let’s chat. Book your free consultation here

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